How Do You Know When You’re Being Loved?

How do you know when you are being loved?

This question came up in a Facebook discussion. There were several different answers to this question but the one constant answer was that love is an action not a feeling. We hear all the time that Love is an action, not a feeling.  We often associate love with how we feel but sometimes that feeling resembles love, which can make things complicated. By the same token love starts with a feeling and evolves into something much more requiring action. Love doesn’t sustain itself. There must be active participation to keep love alive. Love is not based on a condition or contingency; meaning it’s restricted or limited.  To answer the question………..How do you know when you are being loved?

You never really know how much someone loves you. It isn’t a thing that just happens like in a fairy tale. There must be a common bond or a special place in your heart and mind where you can go. Sometimes by yourself, and other times with each other. Loving someone is unconditional, meaning there is no condition that the person you love loves you back. However, to know if someone loves you all you need to do is look at the actions of the person. Words are never enough, unless they are backed by actions that match what is being said. This doesn’t mean material gifts and money. Sometimes, people confuse receiving or giving gifts and money as acts of love. Their actions should include sacrifice, respect, and compromise. If someone claims they love you then hurt you with their actions then most definitely that is not considered love. On the flip side, people in love will sometimes hurt each other with spiteful words and actions during arguments or disagreements. That doesn’t necessarily mean there is no love, but as humans we tend to be emotional and our reaction to certain things come from that emotion. It’s the hope that the other will understand and forgive after all is said and done.

Real and true love is a continual process over time; it is not the “warm and fuzzy feelings” or the “intense physical chemistry/attraction”. That is simply lust, which is often confused for love. (Umm that may be another blog post) One thing is for certain………Love is something you are sure about; it is not uncertain.

Surely there is more to add, so truthseeker fans what are your thoughts? How do you know when you are being loved?


Posted on February 14, 2013, in Love & Relationships and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. This is an absolutely amazing article with a fantastic perspective on the topic of love! THank you for this fresh new outlook that properly summarizes my position on the issue.


  2. Reblogged this on Dating Life and commented:
    After I read this article, a lot of things came together for me. It all makes complete obvious sense. Love is not a feeling; but rather an action. Enjoy!


  3. You are quite welcome! Thank you for reading my post! This topic has come up several times among my friends, so I thought I would write a post about it. I’m glad you enjoyed it!


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