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Who me? A Dream Snatcher

Are you a dream snatcher or the voice of reason?

This morning I was listening to the Tom Joyner Morning Show while driving to work. Tom, Cybill, Jay were discussing Jennifer Hudson. They were talking her setting a wedding date to marry her fiance’ David Otunga aka “Punk” from the I Love New York Reality Show. You know the one……. the spinoff of another crazy ass show Flavor of Love.  I’m not sure if it is accurate or where their source came from but according to TJMS, Jennifer wants David to quit wrestling before they get married. He supposedly turned down a lucrative job offer at a prestigious law firm with a salary well into the six figure range. Jennifer wants him to pursue something real, even though wrestling is a six figure income for him. He says he enjoys wrestling and wants to make it his career. I guess he really likes showing of those big arms and chest. I’m not sure if he is any good at wrestling.

Is Jennifer right in feeling this way?  He does have his law degree. Why would he want to be the next Hulk Hogan? Of course saying my husband is an attorney rolls of the tongue better than my husband is a professional wrestler. However, he is the same guy that competed for the love of New York on that ridiculous reality show. Perhaps Mr. Otunga just wants to be famous like his future wife. I guess being a lawyer, does not bring him the same fame. Well Tom and Jay said Jennifer is a dream snatcher. She should support his decision to be a wrestler no matter how corny it is. Cybill says she understands where Jennifer is coming from and someone has to be the voice of reason. Now I know people could care less about their relationship, but issue at hand is relevant.

Some husbands, wives, significant others, friends, and family are not very supportive and tend to kill dreams whether intentional or not. They fill your head with negative thoughts. By the same token, they are the voice of reason when you are being foolish making a decision you will regret. Sometimes it’s hard to see if they have your best interest at heart. I say if it is something that you are passionate about, go for it whole-heartedly. Make your dream a reality by actively pursuing it and if the person truly loves you they will be supportive no matter what.

So Truthseeker fans, do you think Jennifer is a dream snatcher or is she the voice of reason? Are you a dream snatcher? Do you have a dream snatcher in your life?
